Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Are Quality assurance and quality control similar?

Quality assurance and quality control are two different aspects of the same fraternity. They both hold equal significance. Often we merge quality assurance with quality control. But both the aspects hold different look a view. They seem interchangeable but they are not. Both terms are used to check the qualitative progress of a product or any service. But both the terms imply their essence in a different manner altogether.

Quality control
Quality control is when some work is done to meet the set quality criteria of a product. It is done in such a way that it meets the quality required by the client of that product.

Quality assurance
Quality assurance whereas is no doubt similar but not at all identical. Quality assurance is the work done according to the quality that’s required during the procedure of making the final product. Quality assurance is more important as if the quality retains in the initial step it is much more likely to stay till the final result. Therefore the procedure requires equal quality as to the product. It is the procedure that requires quality.

Both the types are similar but hold different meaning, a different essence.

Nexsus has developed software programs to monitor quality levels at its sites. It also maintains quality work along with the principle function associated with them. As we all know at the ends what matters the most is quality. Be it the final product or the procedure one should adhere to quality and then can it reach to an accomplished level.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Technical outsourcing can be beneficial; know how.


Technical outsourcing is one of the most effective ways for the expansion of any business. It not only helps traders reach up to their mark but also carries along several benefits. When you outsource for tech support half of the work load is relieved. Tech is exorbitant and also difficult to manage if not permanently required.
Benefits of outsourcing for tech support
  1. Cost effective and profitable
Why pay and hire for something which is temporary. You need it now but you don’t require it then. Outsourcing is eminently effective. When you outsource technically you manage your company’s funds more efficiently. You can put your resources according to the requirement.
  1. Malleable staff
Well, you can avail the services from them. Rather take services from the best and then be through with it easily also. You can hire staff for the time you want and release them. You can also obtain service for a fixed amount of time.
  1. Risk factor
Often risk is commenced with inconsistency. Once the inconsistencies are turned down risk also turns down simultaneously. If the outsourcing vendor is more efficient then the risk factor is managed more effectively.
  1. Quality expansion not quantity only.
It is well said earlier that if you wish to expand then expand in quality and not in quantity. Therefore try expanding qualitatively instead of quantitatively. It’s better to work for the expansion of the company instead of the space.
  1. Maintain the level well
If you don’t own a very big company and are unable to support staff in each section then outsourcing can be one of the best options for you to consider. Outsourcing can not only help with your staff issues but also can get you considerably best piece of work.

When Outsourcing is done for technical support it helps companies not only process easily but also fundamentally. The company grows monetarily and develops simultaneously. Outsourcing can help you with better results in concern with technology being supported well. 

Thus Nexsus technical support helps you understand study and observe deeply the factors associated with outsourcing. Get your tech work outsourced and work with consistency and efficiency.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Justify your work by taking each step efficiently.

Yes, the days are gone when the green and red buttons were the protagonists of the mobile story. Gone are the days when our mobiles were only limited to calling, answering the calls and sending SMS.
Mobile games have set a mark now. Because of technologies reaching sky scrapers people have started expecting more and much more. We have become used to; of the variety we get in every field. So when it’s about games we expect different types and much more too.
Planning a game needs not only just the making of it but also several aspects like:
  1. Focus on the video
  2. Focus on social integration
  3. Targeting specific audiences and much more
Out of these focus on video is one of the most integral aspects while making a game. It is very important to make the premier video of any game to make it work beyond expectations. As previewing videos either on YouTube or other video sharing app helps the game to gain popularity, and also continuing to boom drastically. Since YouTube is one of the fastest gateway. It works better than any other advertisement style then be it advertising through banner ads or any other type. Videos are much effective as it involves relating to the customer to the content first handled.

Therefore it is very important to focus primarily on the feature. As what we see is what we like. We don’t have time to read about the game. If there is a video which gives proper orientation about the game we would love to that video. It becomes easy if there is an effective video it not only helps the customers to like the game but it also helps boosting it in a larger scale.

So make sure you are taking every step efficiently. As each step can a make a difference. Nexus have been profoundly efficient while providing services, the company ‘Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd.,’ was established in 2004,it is a technology solution provider, it primarily focuses on CTI products and services and Application Software development using proprietary strengths in latest technologies.

Nexsus has successfully served to the domestic CTI market needs; it has created high possibility for massive revenue earning. Not just this Nexsus also efficiently managed to maintain a compounded growth rate of over 100% since the very beginning.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Advantages of Outsourcing a Programmer

The fringe advantages of outsourcing have been generally recognized by different organizations across the globe. Also, when hiring dedicated engineer/software engineer is concerned, it chops down the financial obligations on the organization as compared to bearing the full-time in-house staff. Also, for the huge scale companies engaged in great developments can have a full-fledged team of experienced professionals that will dedicatedly work for their project in offshore development center.
Here are a few advantages of recruiting developers on temporary basis:
  • You have the aggregate contribution and straight control over the venture
  •  You can directly assign the tasks to the outsourced developers and brief them about the whole requisitions without the contribution of any delegate
  •   Strict stand for given timelines for project delivery
  •    Elimination of start-up, maintenance expenses or duty
  •    Avail administration without any concealed or additional charges
  •   You can have at least 8 hours a day, 5 days a week of development work
  •    Approx. 85% successful project ratio
  •    No concealed terms and conditions, complex working strategy
  •    On a regular routine or week by week working reporting as expressed by you
  •    Have an outright developer/software engineer working singularly for your organization without bearing heavy overhead cost of compensations and enlisting

Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a prestigious Information Technology and Consulting organization supported by competent experts with immeasurable area encounters and proficiencies. Nexsus aims to manage your outsourcing venture and optimizing your trade for utmost performance.

Friday, 4 September 2015

4 Things You Ought to Put on Your Personal Website!

Personal branding through designing websites gives an impression like a clichéd buzzword in today’s scenario. However, does having a personal website actually matter for branding purpose? Yes it does as it accelerates the pace of your business growth. Now that you’ve been convinced on the advantages of having a website and expectantly you must have started designing your own, you may perhaps be thinking, what precisely do I fill the website with? To assist you with the same, here is a listing of things that you ought to include in your website:

1.    Persuasive introductory pitch
When the traffic lands on your site, you surely want to comprehend the visitors about who you are and what you do. On your about us or home page you must incorporate a summary of no more than two to three snippets long describing the most imperative things about your business.

2.     Samples of your best work
Now days, most of the creative professionals have started using their personal websites as a platform to display their portfolios, where they bring together their work in a manner that enables the hiring managers to have a look at their chops. If you’re a designer, photographer, artist, or in the vein of similar field, you should unquestionably be doing the same.

3.     Where you are around the web
Obviously your website isn’t your only asset that you possess on the web these days. You have your Twitter or LinkedIn profile or other publications on which you’ve been published, your GitHub or Behance profile and so on.

4.    An informative professional blog
Your private website is a perfect platform to share your thoughts and knowledge related to your domain, and a blog is the perfect medium to do just that.

Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd. established in the year 2004, is a techno solution provider promoted by first generation entrepreneurs.