Thursday, 24 December 2015

Types of software testing


This is definitely the age of science and technology and with every passing day we are advancing towards a more techno-friendly world. In this age of technology, software plays an important role and therefore software testing has also become a very integral part of this technical world. Experts from Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd list down a few important types of software testing, read on to know more about it:

Black box testing – In this type of testing the tests are based on requirements and functionality only and internal system design is not considered in it at all.

White box testing – knowledge of the internal logic of an application’s code is the base of this testing system. White box testing is also known as Glass box Testing.

Integration testing – Testing of integrated modules to validate combined functionality after integration. Modules are characteristically code modules, individual applications, client and server applications on a network, etc. This kind of testing is specifically relevant to client/server and distributed systems.

Functional testing – This sort of testing overlooks the interior parts and stresses on the output. In simpler words it is just Black-box type testing but it’s geared to functional requirements of an application.

System testing – Entire system is tested as per the necessities. Black-box type testing that is based on overall requirements specifications, covers all combined parts of a system.

End-to-end testing – Parallel to system testing, this testing involves testing of the whole application environment in a situation that mimics real-world use, such as interacting with a database, using network communications, or interacting with other hardware, applications, or systems if appropriate.

Acceptance testing -Generally this type of testing is done to validate if system meets the customer specified requirements or not. Users or customers do this testing to find out whether to accept application or not.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Call Confine – Records your Calls

Telephonic conversations are integral and imperative in today’s time, especially in the corporate world. Most of the dealings, complaints, negotiations, payment commitments and even meetings take place over the phone. Sometimes, it becomes very necessary to keep backup of these calls and that is where voice logging comes handy. In voice logging, telephonic conversations are regularly recorded. Voice logger is that device which is put to use to record sound data from telephones, speakers, radios and distinct hotspots. You can save your money by using these voice loggers as then you will not have to purchase hard drive or removable media device to store your sound data.

There are two discrete methods of recording which are used by various organizations. First method is voice-accentuated and the other one is in which the recording is consistent. The voice loggers are often used by the organizations which deal in customer services, emergency services and telephone-initiated stock trades.
Following are some of the key attributes of the voice loggers:
  • Voice loggers record every single incoming and outgoing call with the information of phone number, date and time. Built-in caller identity and duration of calls are some of the added features of the voice loggers.
  • Voice loggers have a secured sound recording component because of the safety reasons. Only approved individuals are able to recover the recorded sound data. The information of the data is not available to any other individual.
  • Voice loggers can be assigned to numerous clients at the same time and users are provided with multi-level records.
  • Voice loggers can be connected to the computer systems via LAN cable and internet which makes the recording system accessible from any place with the help of internet.
  • Voice loggers intricately analyse the information of users. They also have the facility of recovering, altering or cancelling the sound data.
The recording of telephonic conversations via these loggers has tremendously benefitted the business firms. Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd. has introduced a voice logger called Call Confine. This device can be used by any organization while dealing in Policy Compliance, Interaction Monitoring, Performance Management and most importantly in Customer Satisfaction.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Management Consulting Can Take Your Business to New Heights


As the owner of a business, you need to make a lot of investments in terms of both time and money. These investments are important because they help your business to grow in a positive direction. Management consulting is one such investment that can improve the growth of your business.

Management consulting helps you to get an expert second opinion regarding your business. It provides you with a complete insight in your business and this helps you in identifying the strong as well as weak points of your business. This way you can work towards the betterment of your company by working on the weak points.

Experts from a management consulting can help you suggest the areas in your business where innovation is possible and on the other hand they can let you know about the areas where there cannot be any growth in the near future. So this way you would get a certain kind of guidance to walk towards a brighter future.

Last but not least, if you need some help or guidance related to some legal or financial issue then also you can seek help from the management consulting team that is working for you. Legal and financial issues are two integral aspects of the business world, therefore knowledge in both of these areas is vital for any business that wishes to grow and prosper in the right direction.

Experts from Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd. say that the best thing that you can do is to look for a management consulting team that has several years’ experience in the industry. An expert team would be able to serve you in a better way. Moreover there is no use of hiring inexperienced team because its members might not be able to fulfill the expectations that you and your company would have from them.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Importance of quality control and assurance


Efficient Techno Solution companies believe in the power of quality control. It is a procedure that is used to certify the top level of quality in a product or service. The simple aim of quality control is to make sure that the products and services must meet certain requirements of the customers. Products and services offered to the clients must be reliable, satisfactory, and economically sound.

Basically, quality control includes the scrutiny of a product, service, or process for determining its quality. The goal of teams that carry out the work of quality control is to detect and categorize products or services that failed to meet a company's specified standards of quality. If an issue is recognized, then the work of a quality control team or professional is to stop the production of that particular product/service temporarily.
Depending on the specific service or product, and the type of identified issue, the quality control team would communicate to the other teams that would take the responsibility to make the necessary changes to bring the product/service to the expected level.

Apart from products, services, and processes, quality control division can also inspect the employees of the firm in order to differentiate between good employees and bad employees. This is done to ensure that the employees are doing their work in a proper manner while keeping in mind the objective of the company. A lot of companies ask their quality control division to keep a check on the employees from time to time.

Experts from Nexus Techno Solution Pvt. Ltd. say that after considering the benefits attached to the quality control process, it would be safe to say that this is one service that almost all the big and small organization must use in order to detect the flaws.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Importance of maintaining IT infrastructure

IT Infra-1
We often focus on completion of our targets as early as we can. But we forget that reaching a target is equally important as maintaining it. Therefore it is crucial to maintain any task we wish to accomplish comprehensively.  Similarly, IT infrastructure maintaining is as important as making it. Hence for effortless and smooth operation of any company, it is important to have legitimate functioning of computers along with essential related equipment. However, it is also necessary to have a steady uninterrupted hardware and software maintenance.
We hereby provide following servicing and maintenance services:
  1. Technical assistance – our services are provided to the client 24 hours, every day of the year. The client is supposed to pay a flat rate amount to avail this service.
  2. Control and archiving services- it is important to have a check on the services delivered. Therefore control and archiving services focuses on proper functioning of networks and principal equipment to ensure whether they are assisted with the right software and hardware patches. This service also ensures whether the installation of the software and hardware is being executed correctly or not.
  3. Technical assistance- technical assistance is provided accordingly due to fixed time and priority. It is available for the client during working hours, nonetheless they are also provided in non-working hours but upon prior agreed agreement. The client however pays the flat rate amount for this service.
  4. Technical assistance via phone- a price list is maintained for this service, thus the client pays accordingly to the price list applicability.
Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd. hereby provides all these services for better IT infrastructure maintenance. We all know how important maintenance is, therefore to keep our systems and companies out of danger it is important to dwell on these aspects. So don’t let anything ruin your business. If you have reached the goal of setting a by far IT infrastructure, maintain it well too.

Monday, 2 November 2015

The Importance of Training & Development in the Workplace


Training and development plays a vital role in one and every industry. Every employer wishes for the best employees. Training helps and gives employees a flayer towards efficient outcomes. It not only helps the company but also the employees by teaching them with insiders and keen technologies.

Training undoubtedly is the key to development and thus often both of them work simultaneously. Training assists employees to overcome their weaknesses, it makes them understand the value of every petty thing possible. It focuses on numerous factors like
  1. Efficient performance
Training helps in acknowledging all the loopholes which employees possess. Thus helps them to overcome these holes by giving them professional training. It further affects the performance as after being trained in a particular field the person becomes more productive, and he understands the concept of smart working. He becomes flexible and firm about his work.
  1. Overcome weakness
No human is born perfect. We often lack in certain things and addressing these weaknesses and working over them is the best way to rise. Our weaknesses hamper our results. Also it influences our work, which further disturbs us from giving the best result.
  1. Improvement in Employees
Additional training is always beneficial no matter what. So after your term course, when you get training about it you become more eligible about doing your job more efficiently. It thus improves the employee’s efficiency resulting in better outcomes.
  1. Introduce firmness
Firmness is very important especially when you are working in private sector. Flexibility and productivity plays an important part and thus to stand out in the crowd training helps immensely. The answers to all the petty things give employees a pavement to answer in difficult situations.

So if you think that you are inclined more towards being a liability to your company then you must take a step to prove yourself and others wrong. Try to join Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd. It is one of the most renowned CTI and software company. So brush yourself by being a part of this company as they train their employees for better results which thus help them to flourish in their career.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Benefits of CRM in your business

Customer relationship management is one of the most important and mandatory relationship for a better future or success of any company. There is no doubt in the fact that a business grows because of its customers. If these customers are not managed then no business can survive and grow immensely. CRM is that golden port which focuses on the improvement and betterment of a company.

Therefore it is important to understand in-depth the key points of customer relationship management which is required for better and high success of any business be it small scale or large scale.

Softwares for its effective use are required which basically alarm learning, organizing, collecting and managing the customer information.

It is easy to learn steps and offer technicalities for better customer relationship management but it is very difficult to actually understand the depth of it and implementing it altogether. So before you try to understand the technicalities learn some basic things.
  1. Communication skills
Your way of talking reflects your way of dealing. We have been taught since the first grade that we should be polite. Understand the value of customer and treat him well with politeness.
  1. Offers
Everybody requires offers; we love to grab those which gives the tagline of ‘one on one’. So if you provide the customers with appealing deals. Undoubtedly you are attracting them.
  1. Favorable replies
Whenever any question is asked we often want to hear a favorable reply. It is possible that your reply might not satisfy the customer but you can surely try to frame it in such a way that it’s no smash to the customer.
  1. Sticking to word
Who likes to deal with the people who don’t stick to their word? Your fluctuating mind can easily vary customers mind too. One day yes and other day no is nothing but losing the customer altogether.

So before learning how to manage the relationship learn how to make customers first. Make your customers assets and not liabilities for your company. Nexsus is one such company which uses CRM as one of their vital source for stable customers. So if you think you are losing anyhow on your customer deal follow these points and make your relations better.