Friday, 27 March 2015

Software Maintenance at Nexsus!!

At Nexsus Techno Solutions we believe that enterprises have significant investments in IT assets to execute their business and derive appropriate returns. These investments often are made over a period of time and spread across the technology spectrum i.e. spanning from legacy platforms to client-server system to more contemporary multi-tier browser-based systems.
With the business landscapes continuously changing alongside the newer and better technologies, application maintenance can prove quite challenging. Surveys of IT spend indicates that organizations spend up to 70% of their IT budget on non-discretionary costs - in other words, costs to maintain current IT functionality and operations. Therefore, it is imperative that the costs of IT management and application maintenance becomes more effective and efficient, thus providing your business the edge to compete.
Our maintenance offerings
  • Technical help desk support
  • Fault analysis
  • Design update
  • Upgrades and Patches
  • Code review
  • Testing
  • Documentation maintenance
  • Application Enhancements
  • (SLA) Service Level Agreements based support services
 Our offerings here in under include the following
  • Problem management
  • Enhancement support
  • Implementation support
  • Change management
  • Service level management
  • Business continuity planning
  • Application maintenance
  • Production support
  • Technical Help desk support
  • 24x7 support & maintenance of application systems

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Nexsus: Offering Best quality control and assurance

At Nexsus Techno Solutions we believe that Quality control is a process employed to ensure the best level of quality in a product or service. The basic goal of quality control is to ensure that the products, services, or processes provided meet specific requirements and are dependable, satisfactory, and fiscally sound.
Essentially, quality control involves the examination of a product, service, or process for certain levels of quality. The goal of our quality control team is to identify products or services that do not meet a company's specified standards of quality. If a problem is identified, the job of a quality control team or professional may involve stopping production temporarily. Depending on the particular service or product, as well as the type of problem identified, production or implementation may not cease entirely. Usually, it is not the job of a quality control team or professional to correct quality issues. Typically, other individuals are involved in the process of discovering the cause of quality issues and fixing them. Once such problems are overcome, the product, service, or process continues production or implementation as usual.
Quality control can cover not just products, services, and processes, but also people. Employees are an important part of any company. If a company has employees that don't have adequate skills or training, have trouble understanding directions, or are misinformed, quality may be severely diminished. When quality control is considered in terms of human beings, it concerns correctable issues. However, it should not be confused with human resource issues.
Nexsus´s Quality Control
  • ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System in Place for Last Two Years.
  • Manual & Automated Testing Services
  • Internal Focus on Defect Prevention & Lower Defect Density.
  • Quality Policy and Methodologies Meticulously Followed.
  • Testing/Checking before handing it over to client
  • High-level supervision and communication: Nexsus goes to great lengths to ensure outstanding quality control and customer communication. Our tools and techniques include:
  • Monitoring
Nexsus is one of the very few companies in the industry that uses internally developed software programs to monitor quality levels at its sites. Custom software with built-in computer driven controls are tools that allow us to monitor any deficiencies and respond in an appropriate manner, not only resolving the problem but also retraining the individuals performing the task to prevent it from recurring in the future.
  •  Periodic Telephone Surveys
Nexsus´s regional office contacts each customer periodically by telephone to ensure your satisfaction with our work.

The Next Era of Software Delivery

software delivery
Nexsus Techno Solutions has a well-designed software delivery processes at its disposal. Software Delivery Optimization is Nexsus's vision and solution strategy for maximizing the business value of software by transforming the unmanaged software development art form into a managed business process. A holistic solution comprising an application. Life-cycle tools platform, server-based infrastructure, process optimization, best practices and skills enablement, it is designed to accelerate information flow, collaboration and visibility across core organizational functions and key roles, while enabling predictability and manageability of the overall software development process. Software development leaders will be able to transform chaotic environments through greater process control, empowered by a 360 degree view of their current and future project execution capabilities across the application portfolio. Technology plays a major part in automating and enabling the software delivery process for speed and efficiency.
The Software Delivery Optimization platform comprises a number of envisioned attributes that Nexsus is incrementally working on, with many elements already available today. These include: Real-time Visibility and Control; Process- and Role-Centric Productivity; Model-driven Development; Frictionless Deployment and Modular Flexibility Real-time visibility and control is about achieving extensive manageability and visibility of the entire enterprise IT project portfolio and their related requirements throughout the development life-cycle to drive better collaborative project selection in terms of return against development, maintenance and operational costs. This is established through comprehensive IT Project Portfolio Management (PPM)-for consolidated visibility and measurement of IT project progress including resource and skills allocation across lines of business. Additionally in-depth application metrics provide PPM dashboard capabilities that are extended through the collection of critical application-level metrics for real-time progress and estimation, such as code quality, reuse levels, volume measurements and artifact relationships.
Combined with tightly integrated workflows for extensive requirements management capabilities that drive the requirements flow down from the business level planning and estimation phases into execution phases, this facilitates extensive enterprise-wide impact analysis and change management.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Nexsus Techno Solutions: Technical support Group Model

A major challenge of building and running and IT support group is creating a support structure that channels problems and services to the best resource, while maintaining effective management and customer satisfaction. The Nexsus Technical Support Group (TSG) enables delivering of quality support services, which involves preventive problem solving that extends towards a continual and encompassing mode of operation. Successful operation of automatic recovery.
tech support
Nexsus TSG Operating Model:
Managing the People
Nexsus TSG has a highly refined people practice, which involves recruiting, retaining and training employees to have the right skills for providing high-quality customer service and being able to problem-solve technical issues.
Managing the Problem
The process of problem management involves the ability to log, track, escalate, and report on a wide variety of data including calls, online history, call types, caller ID and downtime outage statistics. In Nexsus TSG each problem has one, and only one, clearly defined problem owner with clear accountability to manage overall situation to acceptable resolution.
Managing the Knowledge
Knowledge Management (KM) is a key element in Nexsus TSG that provides proactive support. It is a business process, enabled by a tool for managing the problem resolution information relating to past incidents.
Managing the Service
Service Level Management involves the activities and services covered by an SLA and must be built around measurable events. These events ensure the SLA is meeting performance standard and customer expectations are being met.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Software Factory Approach: A methodology designed to ensure consistent software quality

In order to be effective and efficient a "Software Factory" requires considerable organizational, process and project discipline. These disciplines typically involve: high quality requirements gathering, derivation, management, and packaging; rigorous program management; effective resource management and allocation; proven/reusable components; and excellent project scheduling and control. Effective software factories rely upon the use of well balanced and consistent processes and productivity tools that allow existing components, applications, and systems to be easily consumed, integrated, and orchestrated in the construction of software deliverable.
Nexsus's unique Software Factory Approach (SFA) of software development is a methodology designed to ensure maintainability of code and consistent software quality. The Software Factory Approach addresses the key issues of interchangeability of code authorship, transition management and operational efficiency improvement. A software factory is a set of software intensive systems satisfying the specific needs of a particular market segment & is developed from a common set of core assets in a prescribed way.
Features of the SFA:
  • Every member of the project is an integral part of the whole team
  • Every member of the project is an integral part of the whole team
  • Team members work together as a group, improving the design continually to keep it always just right for the current needs
  • Every team shares a common picture of what the system looks like
  • Job rotation within team members to eliminate project delay in case of attrition
  • Proper documentation of each day's technical progress on the project
  • Technical guidance to the new entrants on the running projects via interactive sessions
  • Conformity with the coding standard guidelines for all languages as provided by the Quality Assurance Group
  • Extensive Quality Control and Assurance Process before client delivery
Value propositions:
  • Ensures interchangeable authorship of software code and reduces downtime due to manpower attrition
  • Enhances code maintainability
  • Delivers consistent code quality
  • Captures business and system development knowledge into specialized Process
  • Increases Productivity & Predictability
  • Reduces Risk & Cost
  • Makes it relatively easy for Solution Providers to architect, design & implement applications within a web services environment
  • Enable application to application business collaboration conform with web services profiles
  • Enable integration of applications that were not designed to communicate over a web service infrastructure

Monday, 23 March 2015

Nexsus Techno Solutions: Consulting Services

nexsus consulting
For the implementation of enterprise solutions; we delve into the crux of various visible factors, like proper understanding of domain, work processes, inter and intra-enterprise relationship management etc., since any enterprise-wide solution affects such factors at different levels.
Nexsus understands it's client's specific requirements before designing the solutions. From organizational to process mapping, we work with clients at a grass root level to assess the requirement.
This is followed by a comprehensive business re-engineering exercise to eliminate redundant practices. This streamlines the processes with more congruity.
We then begin to work on functionality requirements, the required technology platform and the legacy database porting strategies that help us design the solution.
The internal domain specialists develop the solution with mandible support from our technology experts. The whole procedure is tested meticulously and implemented at the client's location(s).
IT competence in the SME sector is low compared to large enterprises, due to the lack of well-grounded IT departments. The computerization is in islands with automated functions like accounts, payroll and inventory.
We have observed that these are standalone applications and they cannot be logically integrated into a common architecture as they do not function in harmony.
Facing stringent budgetary constraints, SME's need IT consulting support to ensure best value for money. We have maneuvered our services to assist SME's in procuring scalable IT solutions for gaining optimum superiority in business. All infrastructural shortcomings are dissolved in this process.
The research work at Nexsus is an extension of its consulting work. We evaluate new technologies and third-party solutions regularly, while carrying out technology evaluation studies on our client's behalf.
Depending on the need, we devise suitable third-party solutions and apply extensive testing of functionality, technical competence, system architecture and scalability under simulated conditions. The recommendation reports follow.
Our research also focuses on various other IT-related issues including hardware, network design & implementation, Internet-enabled technology, managerial challenges and training issues.
In other words, our Research and Development team prepares ground for our consulting assignments, giving a candid description of our work methodology.
Nexsus Techno Solutions is primarily a consulting and Research Company, our domain knowledge is substantial in the Telecommunications industry and also in industries such as Finance, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Health and Travel.
Nexsus takes care of the business process mapping, needs assessment, implementation, training and commissioning. Since we design these solutions, the customization and optimization process is managed ably.
We offer these solutions as licensed products. The off-the-shelf products can be availed on a pay-per-use basis.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Nexsus Techno Solutions: Telecom Solutions

Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a premiere IT and Telecom Solutions provider for Customer Interaction Management Technology. We provide particular expertise around business redesign and multi-channel integration for the telecommunications and other sectors.
Nexsus Techno Solutions has garnered significant experience and understanding of the telecom domain - expertise.
Application Integration is indispensable for telecom companies due to the multi-technology, multi-vendor environment in which telecom networks operate. The existence of legacy systems alongside new generation systems makes integration crucial for the telecom sector.
Nexsus Techno Solutions has garnered significant experience and understanding of the telecom domain - expertise. We are an independent system integration consultancy focusing on management and delivery of CRM/Contact Centre projects. Some of our off the-shelf products like Call Balance, Call Confine, Voice Balance, MaxDial, Innovative Call Recording and Torrent have integrated seamlessly into the current business architecture.
We have experience in business and strategic consulting as well as cross business sectors' technical implementation and management experience with major CRM and call centre technology.
Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd., with a technologically sound business profile is committed to continually invest in people, processes, infrastructure and facilities, ensuring the highest levels of performance. We are committed to building scalable and subtle business solutions & services ensuring customer success.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Nexsus Techno Solutions: Software Testing

Testing Services
Success of any new software application depends as much on system reliability as it depends on usability and functionality. Since changes in software technology is occurring at an ever-increasing rate, the need for testing services has grown in equal measure.
Nexsus' Independent Testing Practice offers a complete range of testing services to various clients across the globe. Core strengths of the practice revolve around the rich experience and knowledge base in diversified areas such as Testing Tools, Application Domains, Testing Processes / Methodologies and Specialized areas such as Security Policies, Availability testing, etc.
Nexsus' offerings for Testing Services
  • Providing the entire gamut of automated testing services, both on-site and offshore.
  • Building customer-focused test labs for automated testing
  • Building processes, procedures and methodology for automated testing
  • Building expertise in key areas such as Testing Tools, Test Methodology, Security Testing and Availability Testing
Value propositions
  • Continued high performance and availability of the application
  • Document results and analysis
  • Implementation within budget and time
  • Document recommendations
  • Reduced vulnerability of network and applications
  • Gains in savings by reduction in losses
  • Increase in customer confidence
  • Higher confidence levels
  • Cost-effective execution
  • Conformance to world-class testing standards
  • Well-documented results
  • Successful operation of automatic recovery

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Nexsus Techno Solutions: Facility Monitoring Service

Nexsus Techno Solutions offers Facility Monitoring Service (FMS) which is an extended service to existing client using CTI products to Monitor Performance, productivity of Application deployed. FMS is dedicated engineer deployed at on site Client office. Major Task of FMS Engineer to ensure that the Application are functional before start of the trading hours every day and that the Application continue to work throughout the trading hours and also till the data synchronization is completed.
FMS Engineer has a defined Job responsibility to perform and is organized in 3 phase Start of day, During Trading and End of Day. Reporting is done on daily basis by engineer to client.
FMS is managed by Nexsus Support Engineers implanted at on site office of Client. The FMS is primarily responsible for monitoring deployed application servers through Dash Board and coordinating with Branch in charge.
Job Responsibilities of FMS:
  • Monitor Status , Performance and Productivity
  • Send reminders to Branch in charge to start dedicated Application System
  • Resolving Issue on Self or Passing it to trouble Shoot Officers from Nexsus
  • Reporting to Client SPOC
  • EOD Report on daily activity
  • Study Issue and performing root cause Study issues and performing Root Cause Analysis and take Corrective & Preventive actions
  • Escalate unresolved issues to higher management
  • Attending the Management Review Meetings and provide directions
 Benefits of FMS Services:
  • Timely and accurate resolution of support requests.
  • Availability of large pool of trained resources at Nexsus
  • Problem and change management disciplines
  • Reduction of backlog
  • Stability of staff throughout support project
  • Extended knowledge base
  • Reliable & Cost Effective

Friday, 13 March 2015

Nexsus techno solutions: Managed Services

Nexsus has a major commitment to providing support services to help our customers maintain and enhance their existing CTI applications with enhanced service levels and productivity at a significantly lower cost. Nexsus approach to support and enhancement activities is innovative, tools driven, flexible and process-oriented.

Managed services model and its well-proven methodology The purpose of the Managed Services is to extend the expertise of Nexsus Team to the existing and prospective clients, for planned maintenance and support services, which is managed by Nexsus.

This will be achieved by:
  • Dedicated Helpdesk
  • Building back end Maintenance & support
  • Periodic on Site Health Checkup for System
  • Monitoring the Performance of Hardware & Application
The main Component of Managed Service is:
1) The helpdesk will consist of team of Nexus Personnel, Who will be placed onsite at Clients office. This dedicated team will receive and manage all the issues that the users log into helpdesk system
2) The Helpdesk team will strive to provide immediate resolution of issues, which are of simple nature and do not need any technical personnel to work on.
  • Performance Monitoring
1) The performance monitoring consists of periodic health check - up of the system and Data Management services.
2) The health Checkup is a planned activity where the support Engineer will Visit the installations on site and check the performance of the Application and submit the report.
3) As a part of Data Management Engineer will ensure that data backed up is done so that data can be used as and when required.


Few major Benefits of Managed Services
  • Timely and accurate resolution of support requests
  • Availability of large pool of trained resource
  • Formal and well documented support process and disciplines
  • Problem and change management disciplines
  • Reduction of backlog
  • Stability of staff throughout support project
  • Extended knowledge base

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Nexsus Techno Solutions: Brief description

Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd., established in the year 2004, is a technology solution provider, focused on CTI products and services and Application Software development using proprietary strengths in latest technologies. Nexsus has successfully catered to the domestic CTI market needs, creating high revenue earning possibilities and at the same time managed to achieve a compounded growth rate of over 100% since its inception.

Nexsus is promoted by first generation entrepreneurs, started their foray into CTI product development and marketing as a small but smart initiative, he initial focus was to develop a simple and affordable Voice Logger that the stock brokers can use for recording the transactions that take place between the broker agents and their customers. Aided by the mandate from Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) that all stock traders must have voice records for all their trading activities, and rapid development of the Voice Logger, Nexsus could capture the market quickly and continue to service them efficiently. The Voice Logger product, now known in the market as "Call Confine", has grown from strength to strength and has captured a market share of more than 60% in the domestic market.

Nexsus has subsequently developed IVRS product named "Inter Act" and OBD product named "Max Dial" and a hybrid combination of IVRS and Outbound Dialing (OBD) named "Call Balance", to address the growing needs of the ITES market.