Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Types of software testing

software testing
Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between given input and expected output. At Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd. the motive of the software testing is to find bugs which can help in making any software more usable and of higher quality. Testing assesses the quality of the product. Software testing is a process that should be done during the development process.
There are many software testing methods, some of them are:
White box testing
White box testing involves the testing by looking at the internal structure of the code. It is one of the best methods to find out the errors in the software application in early stage of software development life cycle by taking the internal mechanism of a system into account. It is also called structural testing and glass box testing.
Black box testing
Black box testing is the Software testing method which is used to test the software without knowing the internal structure of code or program. The main purpose of the Black Box is to check whether the software is working as per expected in requirement document & whether it is meeting the user expectations or not.
Agile Testing
Agile Testing is a type of software testing that accommodates agile software development approach and practices. In agile development environment, testing is an integral part of software development and is done along with coding. Agile testing allows incremental and iterative coding and testing. 
Automated testing
This is a testing approach that makes use of testing tools to run the test cases using software or custom developed test utilities. Most of the automated tools provided capture and playback facility, however there are tools that require writing extensive scripting or programming to automate test cases.
Nexsus Techno Solutions’, Mumbai provides the entire gamut of automated testing services to various clients across the globe.

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