The office of Nexsus Techno Solutions has been abuzz with the Cricketing event that has been organized for Team Nexsus (Mumbai) & this cricketing action will commence on 8th May 2015 7 PM onward.
At Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd we believe in the saying “All work & no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Therefore we respect all the hard work put in by our employees with the fact that extra-curricular activities make a life balanced. Many of us have gave up on playing sports a long time ago, so this idea of cricket will prove to be a chance to take the rejuvenating break from the office work as well as it will be the great way of getting to know your colleagues.
When we make work more fun, we intend to do more and better work. Playing team sports may also help in bringing professional success by showing initiative and leadership skills, which your boss might be looking for!
It will be a great feeling to watch our employees doing well on the cricket pitch as they are on computers.
We hope that at Nexsus, we can organize and stimulate employees to enthusiastically participate in all future events. This will help in expressing yourself and bringing all of us together as one team.
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